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Book Review “Dare To Be You” by Lynette Diehm
How to break free from the past to become yourself
This is the main theme of the book “Dare To Be You” from Melbourne-based author Lynette Diehm . It is the most personal book I ever reviewed in my series; a book about her own transformation in life to become outstanding and unstoppable after going through serious sets of fallbacks and traumas.
Many people who went through tough times in an emotional journey would like to help others at an earlier stage of a similar challenge to unlock their potential. Therefore Lynette dedicated her book “to everyone out there who has gone through adverse times and needed something to give them hope and a way forward.” She developed a holistic health support system to help her get to know, love, and respect her true authentic self and to attract the right people into her life, and wants her readers to be inspired that they can achieve that to overcome their darkest times as well.
Working in the IT industry as a highly specialised project manager, I observed some of her professional work she shared on LinkedIn to then recognise that she found her voice by sharing how to overcome life experiences. For this she developed a set of quotes and affirmations books and a Gratitude Diary eBook allowing her readers to dare to be Yourself, Outstanding and…